Podcast Episodes Featuring Josh as a Guest

Listen to Josh have conversations about his success in Real Estate and what works.

Real Estate Rockstars

Episode 392: Make $1 Million Dollars in Real Estate by Following Josh Anderson’s Road Map

Join us as Josh shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming one of the most trusted names in Nashville real estate.

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Real Estate Coaching Radio

Episode: Josh Anderson: A Day in the Life of a Multi-Million Dollar Producer

Do you want to know what it really takes to be a top producer? Beginning as a solo agent in 2006, Josh and his team, The Anderson Group, have been ranked in the Wall Street Journal’s Top 1,000 Agents and RealTrends Magazine’s Best Real Estate Agents. His team closed 239 transactions in 2015, resulting in over $80 million dollars in volume. He is currently on track to sell over $100 Million dollars in real estate in the greater Nashville market this year.

Josh shares all the details about his mega-successful real estate career; from the time he wakes up in the morning to his philosophies on lead generation and what activities have put him in the spotlight with his sphere of influence! This guy doesn’t have any excuses – only results. You’ll be inspired and maybe even surprised to hear how easily you can duplicate the same level of results in your own market! So, stop what you’re doing and take a listen as Josh shares the cornerstones of his success.

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Real Estate Uncensored

Episode: How To Generate ‘Come List Me’ Calls w/Josh Anderson

Real estate agents around the country are dealing with the issue of low inventory. How do we generate ‘Come List Me’ calls in this climate? Who do we need to hire to help with referrals and why? How can we use events to encourage referrals? In this episode, Josh Anderson joins us to talk about about shifting how we do certain things so that we can generate a consistent stream of referrals.

We got more intentional about reviews and, different from everyone else in the real estate agency, we started using Google reviews focusing on local business. –Josh Anderson

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Real Estate Success Rocks | Top Producing Agents Who Value Excellence, Personal & Professional Growth

Episode 084 – Generating Seller Leads With Josh Anderson

Josh Anderson has been in the business 10 years, and in 2015, he and his team of 13 made $80 million across 239 units. Today we’re talking marketing, including client interaction and referrals. In this episode,you’ll learn Online marketing, Past client routine, Inside sales team, and Outside referrals.

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Super Agents Live

258: Millionaire Mindset--getting to 7 figures Josh Anderson

Todays guest is doing about 300 deals a year and will never answer his phone past 5pm. We discuss a wide range of topics from mindset to finding a mentor.

We also discuss what specific strategies that is working for him right now---both online and offline strategies. The cool thing is that many of these strategies are low to now cost---you just need hustle.

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Brian Icenhower | Real Estate Trainer Podcast

Episode 01 - SOI Database Farming - How Josh Anderson Sells 250 Homes Per Yr by Giving to Get

On this episode, Brian sits down with Josh Anderson, who sells 250 homes sold per year in Nashville, Tennessee. Brian and Josh discuss "SOI Database Farming" and Josh shares his success at using regular Housewarming Parties & Client Events to help him consistently grow and contact his database by giving to get.

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Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever

Josh is the owner of a brokerage in Nashville that focuses on residential real estate. He’ll describe the overall state of the Nashville market, and how he built his brokerage to what it is today. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review! Best Ever Tweet: “Find the deal, lock it up, and then go find the investors” - Josh Anderson Josh Anderson Real Estate Background: Owner of the Anderson Group, a Nashville based real estate brokerage Combines his 8 years of U.S. Army experience with his education and experience to deliver the most to his clients Based in Nashville, TN Say hi to him at Best Ever Book: The One Thing The Best Ever Conference is approaching quickly and you could earn your ticket for free. Simply visit and sign up to be an affiliate to start earning 15% of every ticket you sell. Our fourth annual conference will be taking place February 20-22 in Keystone, CO. We’ll be covering the higher level topics that our audience has requested to hear.

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The Entrepreneur Way

Originally from Nashville, Josh Anderson graduated from Louisiana State University in International Trade and Finance. Josh served 8 years in the U.S. Army, including a 10-month stint in Bagram, Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom. These experiences, coupled with the education he received from Louisiana State, have molded him into a focused, disciplined, and strong willed individual. Josh Anderson can best be described as a man of high energy with a passion for Nashville real estate. He is a business savvy professional with a strong desire to cater to his clients’ particular needs. Client satisfaction is paramount! Josh’s market expertise coupled with his superior negotiating skills set him apart from the rest.

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Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever

Josh is the owner of a brokerage in Nashville that focuses on residential real estate. He’ll describe the overall state of the Nashville market, and how he built his brokerage to what it is today. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review! Best Ever Tweet: “Find the deal, lock it up, and then go find the investors” - Josh Anderson Josh Anderson Real Estate Background: Owner of the Anderson Group, a Nashville based real estate brokerage Combines his 8 years of U.S. Army experience with his education and experience to deliver the most to his clients Based in Nashville, TN Say hi to him at Best Ever Book: The One Thing The Best Ever Conference is approaching quickly and you could earn your ticket for free. Simply visit and sign up to be an affiliate to start earning 15% of every ticket you sell. Our fourth annual conference will be taking place February 20-22 in Keystone, CO. We’ll be covering the higher level topics that our audience has requested to hear.

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Real Estate Uncensored - Real Estate Sales & Marketing Training Podcast

How Josh Anderson Generated 48 Deals Last Year From Agent Referrals

Josh Anderson’s real estate team pulled off 239 deals, $81 million in volume and agent referrals made a 73% dent in their database. What are the tactics and resources that have made these results possible? On this episode we dive into agent referral systems, client events and team building and reveal how they are connected to this team’s success. When agents refer you they want to know that their client will be taken care of. -Josh Anderson Takeaways + Tactics Once Josh’s team got specialized everyone became more efficient, more productive and made more money. If you’re always coming from contribution no one will just tell you no. In the real estate industry we’re probably going to see more top producers joining teams. At the start of the show, Josh Anderson told us about his business, and how he built his database. He believes in making calls, and learning not to fear getting no for an answer. Next, he shared some details on his team and how they generate natural referrals. His business became more specialized when he was able to hire talent to take on some of the work for him. People in the industry realize how difficult it is to find talented people with a work ethic, good attitude and common sense, and that’s why top producers are now more likely to join teams that possess that kind of talent. We went onto discuss the inbound and outbound process for ISAs, client events, how he kickstarted his agent referral network and how he keeps in touch with them and provides value. The success of a database for agent referrals leans heavily on the value you provide. When you provide agents a glimpse of what you’ll do for their clients, they will be more inclined to make that referral. Come from a place of contribution, constantly make your systems better and cultivate long term relationships.

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Real Estate Rock Stars

Originally from Nashville, Josh Anderson graduated from Louisiana State University in International Trade and Finance. Josh served 8 years in the U.S. Army, including a 10-month stint in Bagram, Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom. These experiences, coupled with the education he received from Louisiana State, have molded him into a focused, disciplined, and strong willed individual. Josh Anderson can best be described as a man of high energy with a passion for Nashville real estate. He is a business savvy professional with a strong desire to cater to his clients’ particular needs. Client satisfaction is paramount! Josh’s market expertise coupled with his superior negotiating skills set him apart from the rest.

Join us as Josh shares his mindset and a glance at his journey to becoming a Real Estate Rockstar by becoming one of the most trusted names in Nashville real estate.

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The Entrepreneur Way

Originally from Nashville, Josh Anderson graduated from Louisiana State University in International Trade and Finance. Josh served 8 years in the U.S. Army, including a 10-month stint in Bagram, Afghanistan, during Operation Enduring Freedom. These experiences, coupled with the education he received from Louisiana State, have molded him into a focused, disciplined, and strong willed individual. Josh Anderson can best be described as a man of high energy with a passion for Nashville real estate. He is a business savvy professional with a strong desire to cater to his clients’ particular needs. Client satisfaction is paramount! Josh’s market expertise coupled with his superior negotiating skills set him apart from the rest.

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Real Estate Success Rocks

Josh Anderson has been in the business 10 years, and in 2015, he and his team of 13 made $80 million across 239 units. Today we’re talking marketing, including client interaction and referrals.

In this episode,you’ll learn…

  • Online marketing
  • Past client routine
  • Inside sales team
  • Outside referrals

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Real Estate Real World

It was an absolute pleasure speaking to Josh Anderson this week! He and his team are located in the Nashville, Tennessee area and they are KILLING it when it comes to agent referrals. Last year alone, they closed 48 transactions from agent referrals around the country. WOW!

How do you get that many referrals from other agents? It helps when you live in a desirable area that many people are moving to. However, networking and keeping in contact with his database are things that he is

dedicating his time to each month, which most agents push aside.

Making calls, knocking on doors, sending newsletters to your database…these are all basics when it comes to lead generation, but it’s usually the first thing to go when business picks up.

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Real Estate Trainer Podcast

On this episode, Brian sits down with Josh Anderson, who sells 250 homes sold per year in Nashville, Tennessee. Brian and Josh discuss "SOI Database Farming" and Josh shares his success at using regular Housewarming Parties & Client Events to help him consistently grow and contact his database by giving to get. For free materials, great educational resources and more information about our Coaching Programs, visit TheRealEstateTrainer.com.

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Real Estate Rewind

In Episode 7, Josh Anderson, of the Josh Anderson Real Estate Group, speaks with Nick Baldwin, host of Real Estate Rewind. Anderson describes what led him to leave the banking industry and how he found success in real estate by mastering the basics. He will inspire you to abandon shiny object syndrome in favor of building your business through consistent hard work. Episode Highlights: Josh Anderson began his career in investment banking. He didn’t have a mentor and didn’t feel he was growing.He got into real estate because he wanted to buy an investment property. That didn’t work out, but getting his license did.Anderson recently advised an intern about how important it is to find a mentor to learn from.He initially had misinformation about being a realtor but it ended up being a perfect fit.In his first year, he succeeded because he helped wherever he could and listened to conversations people were having around him.Anderson utilized his own database using a simple spreadsheet. He shares his early process for following up with leads.They discuss shiny object syndrome in the real estate industry.Anderson reveals the early mistakes he made as he built-out his team.They explore motivation and how it affects different team members.Former members of Anderson’s team have left, but were trained so well that they have thriving businesses of their own.Anderson loves seeing former team members succeed.They discuss the value of a P&L statement.Anderson’s business is 75% sphere of influence and 25% video and other leads.His team has a high profit margin because they know their database.Having a highly visible office was a factor in increasing his team’s average price point.Another way to increase your average price point is to work expired listings in very targeted areas.Additionally, former first-time buyers are moving up, which increases the average price point.Anderson’s team does not farm geographically.They try to genuinely connect with likeminded people.Anderson is still in production but enjoys team-building most.Doing things repetitively and consistently is boring but it will bring you success.Never give up future business for business you already have.Anderson describes what it was like talking about his business, on stage, with Gary Keller.. 3 Key Points:Josh Anderson started his career in investment banking but felt his growth was stalled. When he earned his license he approached the business with the desire to learn. Even if it sounds boring, working hard and working smart is how you succeed in this business.Master the basics and put good processes in place.

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Mega Camp

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